Congratulations on Purchasing the Covert Social Press theme! You have taken a huge step towards achieving true financial freedom. Your download link is given below... but as an Early Bird Customer You are qualified to upgrade to the PRO version which includes a plugin far too powerful to release to the general public! In fact...
Press Play Below To Discover How To Put Your Profits In Overdrive With The "Too Powerful To Make Public"
Features Of The Covert Social Content Plugin!
This Is Optional, But You're Going To See This
Page Only Once (Ever),So Please Read Every
Word Very carefully. If You Snooze, You Lose!
First of all welcome and thank you for ordering the Covert Social Press theme, we're very excited to have you on board... and we hope know you'll love this theme.
We also know you are anxious to reach your download area and get started
But before you go, we would like to offer you a very special opportunity...
You see... we wanted to reward action takers like you - and that's why we put together this special upgrade plugin for you...
The Covert Social Content plugin is designed to maximize your results & instantly boost your profits to insane levels and all this at a fraction of the normal cost
As it said above you will never see this offer again, so please read this entire page carefully and choose wisely before you leave.
Ok enough talk, lets get down to business - Here's what you get with your Covert Social Content plugin...
You now have your hands on one of the most powerful WordPress themes ever created.
It will increase your ranking, clicks and sales... Plus get you'll a lot more traffic through the covert inbuilt social traffic generators.
Even better you have an unlimited license for the theme - both for your own use and for building sites for clients and customers.
You could literally build hundreds - even thousands of profit pulling social bookmarking sites using the Covert Social Press theme.
But who has the time to find content and create posts for so many blogs?
The answer would be nobody!
And that's why we decided to come up with a solution for you.
We have developed a plugin so powerful we decided to only make it available to existing Covert Social Press users - because this baby is a real game changer!
With just a few clicks, this plugin will automatically pull in quality content from RSS Feeds, Google Blog Search & Google News... Adding hands-free posts to your Social Press sites 24/7 - making them just as active as the big social sites!
This is auto-blogging on steroids - and then some!
We have designed the plugin to be as easy and fast to use as possible.
And since it has been designed to work specifically with the Covert Social Press theme, the posts it produces will always look great on your "Social Press blog".
So without further ado - Lets take a look at exactly...
First of all Covert Social Content is a super simple to use and install (1 click install) WordPress plugin. That means the software will work on any computer, all you need in order to use it, is a self hosted WordPress blog.
And because it's designed to work with your Social Press theme there is no fiddling with templates, css or any techy stuff - it works right out of the box!
After you have installed and activated the plug in (only takes a few seconds) you will reach a page, where you set up the main setting for your autoblogging campaign (and you only have to to this once)
Enter they keywords you want to use for auto- blogging campaign.
You can add as many keywords or phrases as you want! You can even put them in "quotes" for exact match.
Select if your new auto blogged posts should be published immediately or saved as drafts for you to edit before posting.
Have the plugin automatically create tags for your post based on the title of the source content.
You can even set an inital random like count for all your autoblogged posts so your site looks 100% real an natural
Select which of your current WordPress users should be set as author for your auto blogged posts.
If you select multiple, the plugin will choose a random author for each post.
And to help you make your social bookmarking site look even more natural and active...
We have included a "one click" random author creator, you can use to instantly create as many users as you like for your blog!
Now it's time to configure one or more of the content modules.
For this example I'm going to use the Google News module - but they are all really simple to set up and you can have them all running within minutes!
You simply select which of your keywords you want to use for this Google News campaign.
Notice that you can select which region you want to use - the plugin supports all Google News regions!
Then you select which of you blog's categories your autoblogged post from Google News campaign should be posted under.
And voila!
You are now ready to turn auto blogging on - and from now on the Covert Social Content plugin will keep posting to your blog using the settings you have specified.
That was just one Google News feed - for one keyword...
You can create as many Google News feeds - for as many keywords as you like!
You could literally be pulling in hundreds of unique posts per hour if you wanted to!
And you are ready to move on to set up your next profit pulling social bookmarking site... or to configure more of the modules on this blog
Auto blogging and making money with social sites has NEVER been this simple!
You can also use the plugin to import at batch of posts from for example Google News in one go...
Either as drafts you can edit later - or as post that are published immediately.
It's hard to do this extremely powerful plugin justice with just text and screenshots.
So if you haven't done so already - I highly recommend that you watch the video above to see Covert Social Content plugin in action
The Covert Social Content plugin can currently autoblog from 3 different content source - straight into your Social Press blogs...
And you can set up unlimited campaigns! Unlimited keywords in Google News and Blog Search... And add an unlimited number of RSS Feeds to pull content from!
We are also working on many more content modules for this plugin.
And since you will get free updates you will be grandfathered in and receive all future modules for free.
Nope... you'll never have to pay another dime!
We're going to reveal exactly how you can get your hands on this plugin for much less than you think.
But first I wanted to say that... there are indeed other autoblogging plugins out there.
They are usually very expensive - certainly if you want them to do what Covert Social Content does...
They are usually also very hard to set up - some of them almost requiring a Doctorate in computer science
And unlike Covert Social Content they are not designed to create post in a "Social Press format", giving you even more headaches when you try to use them in the Covert Social Press theme!
But the really good news is that, we're not going to charge you even close to what these other guys are asking for their inferior auto blogging plugins, because...
Obviously we could charge big bucks for a plugin like this.
And I want to be completely honest with you.
We plan to release the Covert Social Content plugin as a standalone product later on...
And since we will be releasing new modules for it on a regular basis, we're going to make it a membership site with a recurring monthly fee.
But right now, and from this special page only... You can completely bypass any future cost and get your hands on the Covert Social Content plugin for a single low one time investment.
And when you order today you'll be "grandfathered" in and receive free updates. For the next few people who order we'll even add...
Yep, you read that right!
If your order the Covert Social Press theme from this special page today, we'll even include multi-site and site flipping license at no extra cost!
That means you can...
And since you already have multi-site and site flipping license for the Social Press theme...
This means that you can literally set up hundreds... even thousands of profitable Social Press blogs, all running on completely autopilot!
This is a complete and ready to go "Business-In-A-Box".
Set up your Social Press site, plug in the Social Content modules and you can potentially jam your bank account with so much cash that your friends will suspect you've just robbed a bank. What they don't know is that you did... but legally.
If there is a lazy man's way to riches, then the Covert Social Content plugin is your first class ticket!
Creating or even finding quality content is a heck of a lot work, and it can take an eternity. Are you really interested in spending your time on a wild goose chase?
Why put yourself through all the blood, sweat and tears?
Even then, after you go through all the time of finding or writing a piece of content - the darn thing may not even rank!
Stop! And ask yourself this: Doesn't it make sense to take advantage of this great offer right now? Your financial situation could take a radical turn in no time once you lay your hands on this plugin!
Imagine yourself checking your email, and seeing "Congratulations, you've made another sale!", again and again after you've had a nice time at the beach.
This "Business-In-A-Box" concept is hands down the most fool proof way to generate content and profits fast! And, you can keep making this money year-in and year-out for ever!
The decision is yours.
ACT NOW because...
...As I said this early bird special is very time limited.
The price will go up!
And you will certainly not see multi and site flipping license included at this low a price, ever again!
So take action today and...
The IM Wealth Builders
P.S. You Must Act Now - before it's too LATE! If you leave this page and attempt to come back later, this $37 One-Time-Offer will be gone forever!
Your IP is registered and it is not possible to get access to this offer again. we can only guarantee that it is still available right this very second. Don't delay!
P.P.S. The primary characteristic of high income earners and successful business owners is that they have the ability to make quick decisions and act on an opportunity as soon as it presents itself. If that makes sense you should upgrade now while this incredible offer is still available
P.P.P.S. Remember, you have absolutely nothing at risk with our special "no questions" asked 45 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason what so ever, you'll get back every penny of your purchase. It's an amazing deal and it's 100% risk free no reason to wait upgrade now